Party Ninja, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.
Beware the Party Ninja! One minute you're having drinks with him, the next, he's gone. But, in reality, he's probably just passed out behind the couch.
Beware the Party Ninja! One minute you're having drinks with him, the next, he's gone. But, in reality, he's probably just passed out behind the couch.
Oh crap! I may have to throw in the towel on this one! That's great!!
Me thinks he isn't that stealthy either... hrmmm...
Mike- That's high praise. Thanks!
Thomas- Touché
This guy is WAY stealthier than a dude with an electric guitar. Nice job Chalker.
Also, the cell shading on this guy is great. Just one secondary color and your solid light source really makes this guy pop. Bravo sir.
THIS MIGHT.. whoa caps lock. This might be one of my favorite things you've ever done. Bra vo!
Woah... that's totally me last Halloween.
Thanks guys!
Nitpick: Ninjatos (ninja swords) are straight, not curved. Okay he's drunk so he may have grabbed the wrong sword. It happens.
I've tried to figure it out... what's on the tip of his sword?
i concur with kennon on the thing on the end of sword. my guess: either cake (green cake?) or a couch cushion.
Hmmm. I am oddly attracted to the party ninja.
Topher wins the prize! It's birthday cake with green icing. You can actually see the 'y' from 'Birthday' if you look close enough. I also tried to give the visual cue of an icing trail sliding down the blade. Guess I didn't quite get it. :)
My bad on the sword. I didn't do my homework. I knew their swords were shorter, I just didn't remember that they were straight. Nice catch.
Cool, for a minute I thought it was the remains of some Green Bay Packer underoos.
Wait...I'm not sure ninja swords were always straight. Kennon is right in that the sword used by ninjas exclusively WERE straight ( cheaper to make, ninjas did not use fancy swords like samurai)
But flipping through my ninja weapons book, i found this:
Curved "ninja" sword!
So Kennon is right and it was still good tidbit of ninja info to point out....but Jason might not be wrong either ;)
Melly, I love the fact that you just happen to have a Ninja weapons book handy. That's awesome.
Modern ninjaken are often straight with a square tsuba (hand guard), but this is not historically accurate. According to the same book by Masaaki Hatsumi, the ninja ken was straight, but only in contrast to the average sword of the period which were much more curved. The ninja ken still had a slight curve to the sword. Hatsumi says that they were often straight bars of low-quality steel with an edge ground on to them. According to other sources, some of the sword being forged during the Tokugawa era also had blades with less curvature than others.
So we're both right. ;)
Yup! You guys both had it.
Jason doesnt everyone have a ninja weapon book somewhere in the house? See, they are ninja books so you dont even know they are there...I bet you have one ..RIGHT BEHIND YOU! BOO! to upload my completely historically innaccurate ninja ;)
According to my Ninja Party Planner Guide, they never use green icing on a birthday cake.
Oh, and Jason, I knew it was cake all along.
I totally know that guy. I think he tried to cop a feel at that party in high school. Jerk!
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