My entry for this weeks Austin Sketch Squad challenge Red Right Hand. Anything from the world of Hellboy. I wanted to do more, but I've been busy as hell launching my Major Maddox comic and getting ready for Wizard World Chicago.
Well I think I barely squeezed this one in before the new topic. Anyway I'm kind of obsessed with Lobster Johnson again especially since I just read "The Satan Factory" novel. I really wanted to have the second sketch but I also wanted to show the hot rod more so I made the executive decision to show both in a comic type format.
It's been seven years since the Evil Mr. Spock got his freak on and he's cruisin' the alternate universe for Vulcan honeys in the Pon Farr Flyer. With a whip like that, the ladies don't stand a chance.
Welcome to the Austin Sketch Squad's Drawing Challenge. This is a challenge presented to the members of the Austin Sketch Squad, and a way for us to show off how talented we think we are. Posting on the blog is limited to the members of the Austin Sketch Squad, although if you are interested in more information about the squad and/or the blog please contact one of the artists and we will be happy to help where we can. Enjoy the site and don't forget the rss feed to keep up with the latest posts.