Saturday, June 20, 2009

Monsters, Mayhem & Doom!*

Monsters, Mayhem & Doom!
Opening night is Saturday, June 27th, 2009 from 6pm to 10pm

Please join OhNo!Doom in welcoming Chicago artist Jason Chalker, aka Manly Art. Jason is an illustrator, graphic designer and was also an animator on Richard Linklater's feature film A Scanner Darkly.

Come see how Mr. Chalker transforms Oh No! Doom’s gallery into a precocious pulp paradise of monstrous, maniacal and all-new manly art.

You WILL have a good time and you WILL be manlier from the experience. Don’t worry ladies... you won’t be manlier, you’ll just have a greater appreciation of all things manly.

Oh No! Doom
2955 W. Lyndale
Chicago, IL 60647

Find us at the cross section of Sacramento and Lyndale St. We’re by the California Blue Line stop. Walk west down Lyndale.

For more info...

*Sorry for the shameless self promotion, but hey, I gotta get the word out somehow.

Friday, May 29, 2009


I just wanted to leave a quick note saying I have been SWAMPED with projects and car issues all month. Thusly, no time for fun drawing. However, I think it would be great if we can all get back into this again!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Topic: Gangster

This weeks topic is Gangster. Mobsters are allowed too... and any shady characters in general. :)

We've switched over to a 2 week span between topics so everyone will have a little more time to get their drawings done!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

Yes, my first thought was "French maid, oolala". I admit it. I thought I'd do a drawing of one of France's most famous, if not notorious, actresses instead.

9" x 16" Ink on bristol.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello all,
im a little late on this one but here is my bunny drawing...ha. What happens to a former star now falling and overwieght! . Also to just introduce myself a bit more formerly...My name is Oscar Alatorre im a 27 year old Motion Designer from Chicago. I have a BFA from the Illinois Insitute of Art | chicago. I met Jason C. at work and currently work wiht him creating the future of the world to be held in the palm of our hands..........hmm.
With a history of art in the family i have always been interested in a lot of characters and illustration in general. I started to work on different teqniques in high school and college learning life drawing, fina art and all the great possibilites around them. Trained with a general knowledge in several Adobe and sound software to create animations, i have core studies in 3D Maya, and Aftereffects.
I am also part of the art collective OhNo!Doom creating innovative gallery shows for talented artists, designs, and toys; always looking forward to meeting fresh new artists and collaborating on ideas. As well as always refining my own teqniques and keeping the creative juices flowing, and any or all great advice/critiques.
Till the next post will be a much shorter....ha! Pease

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This weeks challenge is to draw something French. I think the Sketch Squad will be taking "stay-cations" to numerous countries this year. It might be a fun and unique way to see the world. Now, get to drawin'!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Diguise, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

I was feeling a little goofy tonight, so I drew a squid in disguise. A squid who apparently has a flair for the vaudevillian.

9"x12" Ink on bristol.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This weeks theme is "Disguises". It's all about someone/something pretending to be someone/something else. Have fun and get to drawing!

Feepster Bunny

Wow, I haven't posted here in a long time. Thanks to Jason for kicking the ol' blog back into gear.

This isn't really a sketch, but it's a feep I just made and it fits a recent theme, so I thought I'd share.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WIP- Manly Art Graffiti Tag

WIP- Manly Art Graffiti Tag, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

Here's my Manly Art graffiti tag. I kind of like where it's going, so I'll probably clean it up and finish it. Any feedback is welcome.

Pencil in a Moleskine notebook.

Friday, March 27, 2009



Chuck Norris and the Sirens

Chuck Norris and the Sirens. Not my favorite theme ever. meh.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Catch Up!

Due to the lateness of this post, this weeks theme will be catch up. Feel free to do any of the weekly challenges you may have missed. I'll be back with a fresh challenge next week!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm trying to not ink any of these for the ASS Blog this time around. It's hard.

And no I can't stop noodleing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Rabbit... Jessica, that is...

Rabbit... Jessica, that is..., originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

I took a page from Mr. Stovall's book and went the sexy route.

9" x 12" Ink on bristol with digital color.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My kind of Rabbit

Slight update. I just had to noodle.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walker: Texas Centaur

Just a little late. I actually thought this was a great theme Jason! And I double dog dare any more posts!

Myehhhh... What's up, doc?

Since Easter and spring are right around the corner, this weeks drawing topic is "rabbit(s)". Have fun!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WIP - GreekChuck

WIP - GreekChuck, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

In this pottery shard, we can clearly see Chuck Norris beheading Medusa with his famous round-house kick. Chuck Norris is so tough he could stare Medusa in the eye and not turn to stone.

Blue Col-Erase pencil on bristol.

*Update- Here's the finished piece...

Greek Chuck

Ink on bristol with digital color.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Howdy All.

Hi there. Introductions ay? Coolness-ness! My name is Jordan, I am an OhNo!Doom-er like some other folk joining the Squad. I am an avid doodler with a graphic design background. I have a sincere admiration for big ideas, un-ordinary art urban art and art toys too.I consider myself lucky to be surrounded by talented people every day, and now even more so with you 'ASS' people! (Austin Sketch Squad FYI). Nice ta' meetchya and I am elated to share some ideas with everyone in the near future. Cheers!

Pin ups.....better late than never

I'm playing catch up here but here's my pin up from a couple of weeks ago. more to come soon.....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh! Hello Friends

Hey Kid-O's! My name is Andrew Thompson im 26, Designer from Chicago. I actually work with Jason which is how I recently came involved with this blog. I have a BFA in Graphic Design & went to the Illinois Institute of Art (not that fancy Art Institute, im not made of $$ haha).

Well I have no formal background in illustration or any other arts. When I started college I put down my pencil & picked up a mouse for about 3 years. I came back to pencil & paper a little rusty but with a fresh new approach. The Street Art scene in Chicago suited me quiet well & this is where I began putting my work out there & getting noticed.

Honestly im pretty fresh to all this. I am constantly reworking & developing my style. Over the last few year's, I have contributed to many show's in and around chicago's low brow & designer toy scene. I have had a personal show, Group OhNo!Doom shows & recently done some work for a Burger King Pilot program.

Last id like to say that im open to any & all comments you have anything I post. I would love any feedback on how I can do something better. Please don't hesitate to say something.

Until the next post enjoy a few recent sketches & a customized Lui toy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Introduce yerself

I'm just now getting around to last week's topic. I'm Kristin Hogan, I'm originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2001 - double major Sequential Art & Video/Film. I work at a fantastic place called Blue Genie Art Industries. I also independently publish a book called Dead Squirrel Girl, and just released my second graphic novel. Here is the cover:

It's all Greek to me...

Chuck Norris + Greek Mythology = AWESOME!!!!

In honor of Chuck Norris turning 69 yesterday, this weeks challenge is placing Chuck Norris into Greek mythology. What would it have been like if Chuck Norris had taken on the Hydra, or the Titans? Who needs Greek fire in a battle when Chuck Norris's rage can ignite things (or people) and make them burn forever? Any way, you get the point. Get to drawing!

For inspiration on Chuck Norris's awesomeness... Chuck Norris Facts.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dangerous Topic

Cows!!!! not sure where these came from, but a free for all sketch topic can be interesting.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Just the facts ma'am...

Death Star Run, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

Alright, I guess I'll get this ball rolling...
My name is Jason Paul Chalker. I'm 40 years old and am currently an interactive designer in the Consumer Experience Design group of Motorola's handset division in Chicago. While there are a lot of art styles I enjoy, my favorites to work in are pulp/pin-up and sci-fi. I have a MFA in Illustration from SCAD and and have had art jobs ranging from t-shirt design to working on an animated feature film. It's been an interesting life in art and it just keeps getting more so.

You can check out more of my art in these places...
Manly Art and The Manly Blog.


Friday, March 6, 2009

White Canvas

Im a bit late for this, but here is somthn i made for 'graffiti'. Ill be on time next time...i swear! Jason Your the best! Thnx for the invite again to the Blog, im excited to be sharing with such great talents.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ok. so if i were gunna tag, this is the kind of things i would do.
Share photos on twitter with Twitpic
i will post a better one later.
so here it is:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Free for All...

This weeks challenge is an easy one. A lot of us are going to be at Staple! this weekend, so we probably won't have a whole lot of time to draw something new. Post any piece you want, and tell us a little about yourself. If you have a website, or Flickr account or something, post a link and let us see your work. I thought it might be nice for everyone to get to know each others art a little.

ON!D Graff

Sorry for the delay on the post, its been a hassle filled day.
First "tag" in a while. Thanks for including us in this fun weekly exercise. I lok forward to the next one.


Hey All, This is my first post. Thanks Jason for inviting us to join. There are some really great doodlers on here & ive been following this for the last few weeks. Im looking forward to checking out everyone's work, feedback & hopefully becoming a better illustrator.

Well here's my little Graff inspired sketch! Enjoy - Andrew

Come join the Austin Sketch Squad this weekend for some live drawing @ RED7, 611 e. 7th ST. Austin, TX

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Fine

Not to throw in too much of an Austin inside joke, but that's what I came up with for grafitti. Here is a link if you need the first part of the joke: Daniel Johnston

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


5-Alive!!! 5 ALIVE!!! Been doodling a bit here and there. Trying to keep the fire a goin!!! ARROOO!!!

Another Watchmen Sketch

Ok, so I really liked the way Ozymandias came out. So I thought I'd through out a Night Owl, I guess I left enough minimal detail out that you could take it for I or II.

*post edited*

wanted to post last night when i finished but i was tired.

here is a better scan.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


In honor of our 3 newest members, our theme this week is "Graffiti". Show us your street cred!

I want to welcome our new members: ZChild, SQR FRUIT and Osito. They are, respectively, Joe Call, Andrew Thompson and Oscar Alatorre. They are 3 of the 5 proprieters of the Oh No! Doom! gallery here in Chi-town and all work with me at Motorola.


Comedian, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

*Phew*! Just made it! Here's my Watchmen entry. Sakura Brush pen on bristol.

Well here is Ozymandias...just a quick sketch, might take it a little further, if time allows.

*post edited*

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I don't know what happened to the left side of his body, uhhhh it's reshaping from some teleporting, that's it....has nothing to do with me being lazy. Also, I totally forgot what naked dudes look like.

I gotta get back into life drawing!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mermaid pin-Up

Just thought I'd keep with tradition and post 2 days late. so here is my pin up for this week

*post edited*

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Topic for the week... Watchmen!

So, the topic for this week is Watchmen. In honor of what will (hopefully) be an awesome movie. Now get to drawin'!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bad Betty

Bad Betty, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

It turns out I needed a couple more drawings for my pin-up show, so I got to kill two birds with one stone. Yay efficiency!

9"x12" Ink on bristol.

Monday, February 9, 2009

2.9.09 PIN-UPS

To celebrate Jason's opening this Friday this weeks drawing challenge is Pin-Ups.

Impatient Desire Opening

Impatient Desire Opening

Howdy folks! If any of you happen to be in the Chicago area, I have an art show opening in Pilson this Friday night. It's my first headliner show in the windy city, and I'm pretty darn excited about it. Come by and say "Hi". I'd love to see you! 
Here are the details:
Artistic Jeanius presents the pin-up art of Jason Chalker
Friday February 13th, from 6pm-10pm
1711 S. Halsted Chicago, IL 60608